Mountains and valleys

Posted by Jenn on 1:50 PM in ,
There are so many things that I want to say, but I cannot find the correct words.
So much has been going on and I've been too busy to even think about putting my thoughts down.

I think something must be in the water. People are going crazy, acting out of character, and just being all around weird. Friends who were once close are pulling away for no reason. I cannot understand how someone can call themselves a friend and be there when the times are fun and happy yet they pull away when life goes back to normal. I just don't know what to make of it.

Then lately, old memories have been creeping back into the light. Things that although they made me who I am, I would love to forget.
There are days when I wish everything was different and the world was all right again. Back to the way things used to be. But then I stop to think that maybe, just maybe if things had not changed I would not know how to survive. I would never have gone through a tragedy, I would not know how to cope, and I would not know how to appreciate life in all of it's precious glory.
It's kind of like the Bible says:
If we never went through the valleys how would we know how to appreciate the mountain tops?

I, for one, cherish each mountain top. Because there is always the chance that it will be my last view from the top.


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