On the eve....

Posted by Jenn on 6:23 PM
This is the eve of a milestone in American history.
One I am not all that proud to be a part of. It's not the fact that the 44th president is black, it's the fact that he stands for everything I dislike.
Americans are more concerned with saving the whales and protecting cats than feeding the many hungry and homeless people that walk the streets every day.
Millions of children are robbed of precious life because their mothers decided they did not want a child.
Each year America falls deeper and deeper into a hole that she cannot get out of.
I am truly afraid that this country that I love so dearly is slowly coming to an end.

Yet, even if I like it or not by this time tomorrow I will have a new President.
However, I will respect him because he is my President, not because I like him.

On the other note, everything on the home front is fine.
There has actually been no drama for the past few days (shocking, I know!)

I have a speech on Wednesday but the upside is I have all of tomorrow and Wednesday morning to make up what I am going to say. ha ha.
Thank God for long weekends :)

"I know one day, all our scars will disappear, like the stars at dawn
and all of our pain, will fade away when morning comes
and on that day when we look backwards we will see, that everything is changed
and all of our trials, will be as milestones on the way
and as long as we live, every scar is a bridge to someone's broken heart
and there's no greater love, than that one shed his blood for his friends
on that day all of the scales will swing to set all the wrongs to right
all our tears, and all of our fears will take to flight
but until then all of our scars will still remain, but we've learned that if we'll
open the wounds and share them then soon they start to heal
we must see that every scar is a bridge, and as long as we live
we must open up these wounds
when some one stands in your shoes and will shed his own blood
there's no greater love. we must open up our wounds" - Thrice


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